Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Finally in greece now and i love it so much more than italy. I must say that italy has its own charm but it's definitely not a place to live in. It's too dirty and touristy.. Not my kind of thing i guess.. Greece is much cleaner and the ppl are much more friendly and "un-racist" as compared to when we were in italy. My first time feeling like a 2nd class....

There's the gondola story in venice that i must tell that some of you know by now.. It's the story of the forced french kisses. I feel so "raped"! So it started out when we were taking the gondola and the gondola rider told us that it's a venetian tradition to kiss under the bridge so he made joanna and i kiss. As in just a peck on the lips. So we did it just for fun. Then after that he got more bold and told us the kiss each other again or him. Jo and I thought it was the peck and the cheeks kind and cake edged us on so we said we would both kiss him - ON THE CHEEKS. Who knew when i stood up he just bloody stuck his tongue into my mouth.. LIKE EWWWWWW... I was alr so tramautised but who knows...... After the ride, he requested to take a picture with me. We all thought it was a very innocent thing so we obliged. Being touchy during the photo was not it, it freaking pulled me in and forced kissed me AGAIN.. OMG.. And he's so old and tastes like nicotine.... I feeeeeel so cheated!!!!!!! :'(
Even though it's been a feel days but i still feel horrible when i think of it.

Tonight's our first night in greece. We've got a studio apartment all to ourselves in athens backpacker which is fantastic!! There's a bar on the top of the main hostel which is kinda cool. Had so many drinks. Anyway wine is so cheap here we drink it everyday.. But anyway I had like 3 drinks and as usual almost conked out. Thing is nobody here wants to get high and dance with me. I miss our crazy clubbing outings!!!!!

I wanna go back to the comforts of my home, family, friends, car and mj of cos.. It's not that I dun like it here. But i think ultimately i'm still a true blue Singaporean. I'm missing the things about Singapore that I never thought I would.. The ppl, the weather, the cleanliness, the prices and the FOOOD!! Even chinese food!! I guess cher's right - I'm just very dependent on the comfort of my family and friends.

I hope this exchange will make me even more stronger and independent!!


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